Prix du XXe siècle
01octAll Day22janPrix du XXe siècleAward Event TypeNomination PeriodGeographical ReachNATIONAL
Award Event Type
Nomination Period / Période de mise en candidature
Event Details
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada and the National Trust for Canada wish to promote public awareness of significant Canadian architecture of the recent past. The Prix du XXe Siècle
Event Details
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada and the National Trust for Canada wish to promote public awareness of significant Canadian architecture of the recent past. The Prix du XXe Siècle recognizes buildings over 25 years old that have become landmarks of Canadian architecture. The prize celebrates design quality as well as enduring excellence, recognizing the design of the original architect and/or firm as well as the on-going stewardship of the owner of the building.
L’institut royal d’architecture du Canada et la Fiducie nationale du Canada désirent sensibiliser le public à l’architecture canadienne d’importance d’un passé récent. Le Prix du XXe siècle reconnaît des bâtiments de plus de 25 ans qui ont marqué l’architecture canadienne. Le prix célèbre la qualité de la conception et l’excellence durable en récompensant le design de l’architecte ou de la firme d’origine et le propriétaire du bâtiment qui en a assuré la bonne gestion au fil des ans. “
October 1 (Thursday) - January 22 (Friday)
Entities Awarded
Project / Projet
Submission Fees
0 $
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