CSLA Awards of Excellence | Prix d'excellence de l'AAPC

22octAll Day05janCSLA Awards of Excellence | Prix d'excellence de l'AAPCAward Event TypeNomination PeriodGeographical ReachNATIONAL

Award Event Type

Nomination Period / Période de mise en candidature

Event Details

The Program is intended to recognize and promote excellence in all aspects of the profession of landscape architecture and to communicate a strong awareness of the profession of landscape architecture to related professions, potential clients,
and the general public.

L’objectif du programme est de souligner et de promouvoir l’excellence de toutes les facettes de la profession d’architecte paysagiste et de sensibiliser les professions connexes, les clients potentiels et le grand public à l’architecture de paysage en tant
que profession.


October 22 (Monday) - January 5 (Saturday)





Entities Awarded

Project / Projet

Submission Fees

340$ + TX

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