AZ Awards

04janAll Day01marAZ AwardsAdaptive re-useAward Event TypeNomination PeriodGeographical ReachINTERNATIONAL

Award Event Type

Nomination Period / Période de mise en candidature

Event Details

The AZ Awards is AZURE’s international architecture and design competition, recognizing excellence and innovation, and showcasing the world’s best projects, products and ideas.Launched by AZURE in 2011, the AZ Awards has grown in impact and stature to become a significant international benchmark for excellence, attracting entries from some of the most highly innovative firms around the world.

The AZ Awards is a unique opportunity for architects, landscape architects, designers, students, clients and manufacturers, to receive the international exposure and acknowledgement that their exceptional work deserves.

Award Category Description

Projects that reimagine existing buildings or sites in innovative and sustainable ways.


January 4 (Monday) - March 1 (Monday)





Entities Awarded

Project / Projet

Submission Fees

Early bird fees – $150 per submission for the first two submissions; $130 for each following submission – Regular Fees: Entries submitted after the early-bird deadline – $175 for the first submission; $150 for the second submission; $130 for the third and all subsequent submissions

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