Wood Design Awards in BC

04marAll DayWood Design Awards in BCEnvironmental PerformanceAward Event TypeAward Ceremony/GalaGeographical ReachBC

Award Event Type

Award Ceremony & Gala / Cérémonie de remise des prix

Event Details

The Wood Design Awards bring together people from all sectors to recognize leadership and innovation in wood use. The awards also serve as an opportunity to publicly recognize and encourage continued excellence in the building and design community and in the forest industry. This high profile annual event celebrates innovative structural and architectural uses of wood and provides an opportunity for architects, engineers, building designers, builders and project owners to showcase their projects.

Award Category Description

This category recognizes how wood products played a significant role in improving the overall environmental performance of a structure. Projects nominated in the environmental performance category must demonstrate that the use of wood products and systems were integral in achieving a measureable lower environmental impact. Some examples which demonstrate wood’s contribution to a reduced environmental impact include: lower carbon footprint, reduced operational energy use, lower pollution and higher overall performance. Nominees will be able to demonstrate how some or all of these principles have been applied in enhancing the environmental attributes of the building’s design, construction and ultimately, its performance, and meeting or surpassing the owner’s / designer’s environmental aspirations.


All Day (Monday)





Entities Awarded

Project / Projet

Submission Fees


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