Toronto Urban Design Awards

13marAll Day24aprToronto Urban Design AwardsElementsAward Event TypeNomination PeriodGeographical ReachON

Award Event Type

Nomination Period / Période de mise en candidature

Event Details

Every other year, the City of Toronto holds Urban Design Awards to acknowledge the significant contribution that architects, landscape architects, urban designers, artists, design students, and city builders make to the look and livability of our city. The awards competition offers the opportunity to receive city-wide recognition from a jury of urban visionaries.

Award Category Description

A stand-alone object, public art installation, landscape element or small-scale piece of a building which contributes significantly to the quality of the public realm.

Submissions may include, but are not limited to: benches, doorways, signage, canopies, porches or colonnades, gateways, light fixtures, walkways, stairways, barrier-free access, fences and works of art.


March 13 (Monday) - April 24 (Monday)





Entities Awarded

Project / Projet

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